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Hey there, I'm Brooklyn Gabriel!

I'm your go-to source of motivation on the road to pursuing your dreams and goals. I'm all about cranking up the inspiration and encouraging you to take the next step on the path to where you want to go!

If there's a desire in your heart, or a vision itching to burst forth, you can count on me to be your biggest cheerleader in making those dreams a reality! And what better way to cheer for you than to help you take the first step toward investing in yourself again? 

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Here's My Groove:

🎸 Dream Harmonizer: My music isn't just about tunes; it's a call to action—a beckoning to turn aspirations into achievements. I'm here to help you work through the tough times and get back up and running toward your goals!

👩‍👦‍👦 Boss Mom & Business Dynamo: Juggling life as a mom while steering multiple businesses? Me too sis. I get the hustle—the clash of priorities, the constant race against time. I used to say "if it's not productive, I'm not doing it". Be careful of that mindset though! You'd be surprised how much more productive you are in the long term by just prioritizing your self care.

🌸 Clean Living/Non Toxic Product Advocate: In addition to the music, I partner with a beauty and wellness brand for top-tier luxury products who's CEO and founder stands for the same mission that I'm fighting for as well—to provide a game-changer for go-getters like us.

Let’s talk about the wonders of a self-care subscription box—it's more than just a monthly delivery; it's a consistent reminder to honor yourself in the midst of chasing your dreams. Here's why it's a game-changer:

1. Nurturing Your Well-being:

🌿 Each box is a curated collection of self-care treasures, from soothing bath essentials to aromatherapy delights. It's a monthly dose of care tailored to pamper your mind, body, and soul.

2. Prioritizing YOU in Your Journey:

🌟 It's easy to get lost in the hustle of chasing dreams. This box is your beacon, reminding you that your dreams deserve a nurtured, well-cared-for vessel—YOU!

3. Consistent Reminder of Self-Love:

💖 Monthly arrivals serve as gentle nudges, urging you to take moments for yourself. They reinforce the importance of self-love and refueling your spirit.

4. A Ritual for Balance:

🎶 Incorporating these self-care moments into your routine creates a balanced rhythm. It's a ritual to soothe the soul amidst the chaos, helping you stay centered.

5. Encouragement for Mindfulness:

🧘‍♀️ Every item is handpicked to encourage mindfulness—a fragrant candle for serenity, a journal for reflection, or a wellness product to elevate your self-care practices.

6. Empowerment Through Self-Discovery:

🔍 Exploring new products fosters self-discovery. It's a journey of finding what truly resonates with you, enhancing your understanding of your own needs and preferences.

7. Ongoing Support on Your Journey:

🤗 It's more than just a box; it's a continual embrace of support. Each arrival is a reminder that you're worthy of care, even in the busiest of times.

8. Fueling Creativity and Inspiration:

🌈 Self-care sparks creativity and inspiration. Whether it's through relaxation or trying new wellness methods, it fuels your creative fire for pursuing dreams.

9. Community and Connection:

🤝 Some subscription boxes offer access to exclusive communities. Engaging with like-minded individuals fosters a sense of belonging and shared experiences.

10. Gift of Time for Yourself:

⏱️ Most importantly, it's the gift of time—time dedicated solely to yourself. It's a reminder that you can't pour from an empty cup, and your dreams flourish when you're nurtured.


Take the step toward investing in yourself with our self care box, and join me on this monthly 21 day transformational journey. You're worth it!

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